
  • Platform: Android
  • Language: Kotlin


IslandH2O is a water-park selfie booth app for a Florida (United States) based waterpark. It allows visitors to activate the booth with their wrist-watch and pose for a selfie or a reel. It shows the camera preview and count-down. Once captures the photo/video gets saved to a server in real-time and users can then access them via their pass details on their phone. The booths are managed by big TV kiosks with touch support to allow user-interaction.

My Roll

  • Build and manage the Android app for the kiosk with custom Android OS.
  • Integrate with backend via sockets to receive realtime updates.
  • Integrate remotely managed app update system to automatically push new updates and update the android apps in real-time.
  • Collaborate and coordinate with on-site team to access kiosks and manage them.
  • Integrate remote calls to restart the kiosk and apps for better control over updates and usage.