Phone Safe
- Platform:
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PhoneSafe lets you drive safe and distraction free using beacons and kiosk mode reducing number of accidents caused due to mobile phones. This was mainly developed for truck drivers. When the driver enters and vehicle and turns it on, it turns the beacon on too which then the mobile app automatically detects and turns lockdown mode on the phone turning it into a kiosk and shows the kiosk mode screen that overlays everything and stops the driver from using anything on the phone. Turning the vehicle off turns the kiosk/lockdown mode off allowing the driver to use the phone again. Phone calls are shown but the driver has to turn the kiosk mode off to receive it. This helps prevent mobile phone use while driving which prevents accidents from happing due to distraction caused by mobile phones.
My Roll
- Single-handedly develop the Android app.
- Integrate with Bluetooth BLE technology to work with beacon detection.
- Implement Android kiosk mode disabling nearly every service provided by the OS and third party apps.