May 9, 2019
6 minutes
ListAdapter: A RecyclerView Adapter Extension
Howdy people! We have been using RecyclerView for such a long time. It seems pretty easy to implement, isn’t it? All we need to do is extend RecyclerView.Adapter class and implement at least 3 methods:
- getItemCount()
- onCreateViewHolder()
- onBindViewHolder()
That’s it! After that generally, we provide a way to set data to adapter by adding a method like setList()
and then in the method we assign a new list and then we call notifyDataSetChanged()
to update RecyclerView.
But that’s not it. The method notifyDataSetChanged()
refreshes whole list. As a result onBindViewHolder()
is called for all of the items in the list even if the item doesn’t have any change at all. We don’t want to refresh our whole list every time some item is added, removed or changed. It doesn’t look good and it is not even performance friendly when you have last number of items in the list.
DiffUtil comes to the rescue! It provides a way to calculate difference between the two list and calls related methods on the adapter like notifyItemInserted(), notifyItemRemoved(), notifyItemChanged(), etc.
As a result, the whole list doesn’t get refreshed. Only the items that have been changed are refreshed. It also animates the item changes a little bit so it looks quite nice and it is also performance efficient.
Before we continue further, If you don’t know what DiffUtil is, what it does and how to implement it with RecyclerView then I suggest you to go and learn that first. If you wish to continue reading further then I assume you have enough knowledge of DiffUtil and its implementation.
To use DiffUtil, we need to do a little bit of setup. First, we need to create a class that extends DiffUtil.Callback class. then after we need to calculate the difference between old list and new list using an instance of the class that we have created extending DiffUtil.Callback.
class UserDiffUtil(val oldList: List<User>, val newList: List<User>) : DiffUtil.Callback() {
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItemPosition: Int, newItemPosition: Int): Boolean {
return oldList[oldItemPosition] == newList[newItemPosition]
override fun getOldListSize(): Int {
return oldList.size
override fun getNewListSize(): Int {
return newList.size
override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItemPosition: Int, newItemPosition: Int): Boolean {
return oldList[oldItemPosition] == newList[newItemPosition]
In RecyclerView.Adapter:
// In RecyclerView.Adapter
fun setList(newList: ArrayList<User>) {
DiffUtil.calculateDiff(UserDiffUtil(this.userList, newList)).dispatchUpdatesTo(this)
This is the all setup we need to do in order to implement DiffUtil and it works fine for small lists. The problem is that DiffUtil calculates the difference on main thread which leads to performance issues when the adapter holds larger amount of data in the list. To avoid that, we need to run DiffUtil on background thread and pass results to the main thread.
Now, that’s quite a lot of things to setup. There must be some easy way to do that, right? Guess what, there is! I’m not talking about using any utils or third party libraries. It is right there in the support library itself! ListAdapter comes to the rescue!
If you have paid close attention to the RecyclerView library releases then you might have came across this class but perhaps I assume you didn’t (neither did I) so here we are. Let’s see what is this all about. ListAdapter was added in version 27.1.0 and belongs to maven artifact
. Here’s what android docs page says:
It is RecyclerView.Adapter base class for presenting List data in a RecyclerView, including computing diffs between Lists on a background thread.
It computes Diffs on background thread which means we don’t need to implement it by ourselves. Also, it provides more convenient and easy implementation of DiffUtil rather than implementing diffs with normal RecyclerView.Adapter.
This class is a convenience wrapper around AsyncListDiffer that implements Adapter common default behavior for item access and counting.
_AsyncListDiffer _is helper class for computing the difference between two lists via DiffUtil on a background thread.
ListAdapter provides a method submitList(List)
to provide new or modified data to RecyclerView.Adapter and handles all the diffs computation. So we don’t need to do much of setup here. All we need to do is provide a instance of DiffUtil.ItemCallback
that determines whether the item is changed or not. So, Let’s take a dive into the implementation of ListAdapter.
Gradle Dependencies
implementation ''
implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.0.0'
Required Classes
To implement ListAdapter, we’ll need RecyclerView.ViewHolder
implementation and a model/POJO class. We must provide a model class type (e.g. User) to ListAdapter
as it would be managing list for us.
// User POJO
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)
// ViewHolder
class UserViewHolder(itemView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(itemView){
fun bindTo(user:User){
// bind views with data
Create DiffUtil.ItemCallback Implementation
ListAdapter takes a DiffUtil.ItemCallback
instance as an constructor input. Let’s create an implementation for DiffUtil.ItemCallback
class UserItemDiffCallback : DiffUtil.ItemCallback<User>() {
override fun areItemsTheSame(oldItem: User, newItem: User): Boolean = oldItem == newItem
override fun areContentsTheSame(oldItem: User, newItem: User): Boolean = oldItem == newItem
Notice that we have used
_oldItem == newItem_
expression for checking whether the contents are same or not and it works perfectly as we’re using data class which provides implementation for_equals()_
method by default.
Now let’s implement ListAdapter
. Unlike RecyclerView.Adapter
implementation, we don’t need to override getItemCount()
method as ListAdapter
manages the list for us. So we only need to implement two methods onCreateViewHodler()
and onBindViewHolder()
class UsersAdapter : ListAdapter<User, UserViewHolder>(UserItemDiffCallback()) {
override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, position: Int): UserViewHolder {
return UserViewHolder(
.inflate(R.layout.activity_main, parent, false)
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: UserViewHolder, position: Int) {
However if you do want to override getItemCount()
method for some reason then you must call super method to get item count and then use it further. Here’s an example that we generally use to provide empty list implementation:
override fun getItemCount(): Int {
val count = super.getItemCount()
return when (count) {
0 -> 1
else -> count
All we have to do now is submit new list whenever we have it.
adapter = UsersAdapter()
rvUsers.adapter = adapter
userListLiveData.observe(this, Observer {list->
That’s it! Diffs will be calculated on background thread and adapter will be notified with the results on main thread. This is the easiest implementation I have found for DiffUtil
on Background thread. No boilerplate! That’s amazing!
If you wish to have more control over adapter behavior then you can use AsyncListDiffer
class which can be connected to a RecyclerView.Adapter, and will signal the adapter of changes between submitted lists.
Thanks for reading! If you liked what you read, don’t forget to clap. Happy coding folks!